September: Summing Up
Since school we associate September with a beginning of a new life, with new plans, new goals and new achievements. We start September, 1 with our eyes wide-open and are absolutely ready to move forward and conquer the whole world. We have decided to sum up intermediate results of our work. Our September may be characterized with a few key-words. Let’s list off those epithets.
First of all our September used to be truly international. Tourists from Israel, Canada, Great Britain, Japan came to Sokol airbase to make their dreams come true. By the way for the first time in history Iranian guy went to the Edge of Space. This was our common achievement and we are so proud of it.
Second, our September may be called a family month. Our guests came to Sokol airbase with their families and it was such a pleasure to see their passion, enthusiasm and excitement, to feel positive emotions and make pleasant memories.
One of the touching memories is that Fair Ladies joined our male team of sky conquerors. Russian beauty bravely overcame her fear, experienced overloads and of course couldn’t stay indifferent after such an unforgettable adventure.
We are glad to start our fall season this way and hope to move on as we know the path we should use
in order to achieve our high goals.