Fortune favors the brave: the best time to conquer the sky
Though it’s it is just May the weather is already warm as in mid-summer. The sky is clear, the sun shines brightly – this is the best time for flights onboard MiG-29 UB jet fighters. And our space conquerors take their chances!
Recently Vegitel has arranged 4 Edge of Space flights. This time most pilots were Russian but among those brave people conquering the height was a guest from Germany either.
Edge of Space flight program is the most popular with our guests since it enables to watch the Earth from about 22 km height where the space begins and after a little descent professional pilots demonstrate their professionalism performing breathtaking higher aerobatics impressing our guests and their families and friends.
It is important that one of our guests got this flight as a gift thus you also may surprise your dears presenting them with such unforgettable adventure and colorful impressions.
Take your chance and you will conquer the sky!