All the Storms to Spite
Sometimes long-awaited spring greets us not with clear skies and sunny days but shocks by severe snowfalls just like this year. This was what our guests who came to Nizhny for miG-29 jet fighter flight had to cope with.
Our first Edge of space conqueror from Great Britain was a little bit luckier since he had a chance to perform his flight on the date planned despite gathering snowy clouds. Being a father to three children he was dreaming of jet fighter flight since he was a kid and naturally this experience was a great event for him.
Other two pilots from USA and Germany faced unexpected obstacle. At the day of their flight it was snowing so heavily that for the first time in 55 years Nizhny Novgorod saw monthly norm of precipitation falling at once and even our all-weather MiG-29 jet fighter couldn’t fly.
That’s why we always have back-up day and though next day the weather also left much to be desired both guests could perform their flights going to the maximum altitude, performing thrilling aerobatics and experiencing g-loads up to 6 g.
Following our traditions share photos with you. Enjoy!