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Jet military flights on MiG29

Choosing higher aerobatics flight program you will be the main hero of your own air show.

Take your seat in the second pilot’s cockpit of MiG-29 supersonic jet fighter and conquer the sky!

Such unbelievable adventure as MiG-29 flight is very popular both with Russian citizens and foreigners. Men and women of various age and occupations, aviation and extreme experience fans – there are no people who can stay indifferent.

MiG-29 jet fighter is an up-to-date military supersonic jet fighter of amazing maneuverability.

Nowadays touristic flights are arranged all over the world onboard various training aircrafts but none of them can be compared to MiG-29.

Just for you to have an idea of MiG-29 characteristics: the capacity of its two jet engines in the course of afterburning flight can exceed 100 000 horsepower while the velocity can be up to 2 400 kilometers/hour!

These fantastic capabilities indeed make higher aerobatics onboard MIG-29 a unique experience. There is no place in the world apart Sokol airbase where civilians can perform a flight onboard such jet fighter and according to such flight program.

For our touristic flights we use MiG-29UB two-seat modification. One seat is taken by an experienced professional test pilot, the second one is for YOU!

No special training required!

Just choose your flight program, discuss the details with your pilot, put on special suit and you are ready for the flight!

The program itself depends on your preferences. In the course of preflight briefing you will discuss what aerobatics you’d like to perform – Nesterov loop, tail-slide, inverted flight, combat turn, knife, etc.

During the flight you communicate with the pilot and can adjust the program according to your physical state, you may even control the aircraft under his guidance.

If you bring your friends and relatives with you they may watch your flight from the ground. High speed low-altitude flight at 12-15 meters over the runway will naturally impress them!

We offer two variants of the program:
25 minutes flight
45 minutes flight

Book your flight!

When the pilot performs higher aerobatics you will experience g-loads about 3-7 G. Our record holder could even reach the load of 9 G. This is really a space record!

Naturally the program is flexible; it is made up individually according to the customer’s wishes. We have been specializing in the field of aerospace tourism and MiG-29 jet fighter flights particularly for more than 10 years. For that period we have helped hundreds of people of various age and occupation to make their dream come true. The oldest pilot in our “team of sky coquerors” was 73 years old at the time of the flight.

All the customers felt well after g-loads and no one left the airfield disappointed.

Besides you can buy gift certificate for the flight and present your friend or business partner with a unique adventure.

Flight location

Sokol air base in Nizhny Novgorod (470 km from Moscow) is the only place providing touristic opportunity to fly MiG-29 jet fighters.

You can either get to Nizhny by high-speed train, by car or by plane. Generally we elaborate 2-days program so that we have one day as a back-up in case of bad weather.

We would be glad to help you with transfer arrangements, accommodation and sightseeing around Nizhny if necessary.

In the course of the program you’ll be accompanied by photographer and cameraman. Besides there will be two digital cameras installed in the cockpit and on your helmet filming the course of your flight.

Moreover we offer multiangle video of the flight as an additional option. Action cameras will be installed on the outer surface of the aircraft recording the video of your flight from different angles while special sensors will record all your flight parameters – speed, altitude and g-load.

After the flight you can order amazing full-HD video film about your adventure.

Flight program

Upon arrival at the airfield you will meet your pilot at preflight briefing. After that you will pass short medical check (no special restrictions, blood pressure is the main parameter). Then you put on special G-suit that enables human body to stand g-loads arising in the course of aerobatics and learn how to use oxygen mask.

As soon as you are ready for the flight it is time to get closer to the aircraft. The pilot will give you basic information about jet fighter, its design, layout and possibilities. Taking your seat in the cockpit you’ll pass a short briefing on flight controls and code of behavior.

Finally the cockpit is closed, pilot starts the engines and the fighter taxies for takeoff.

After the flight you will get your personal certificate and other memorable souvenirs.

The whole program (including preparations at the airbase) will take about 4 hours. And these 4 hours will really be the time you’ll remember for the rest of your life!

Book your flight!

The flights can be performed at any time of the year on weekdays. Only people reached the age of eighteen are allowed to fly.

Any questions?

Contact our specialists to learn more about flight program and arrangements!

Phone: +7 (495) 506-32-23, +7 (495) 662-45-99

E-mail: info@29mig.ru

Skype: migflights

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Phone Russia:

+7 (495) 506-32-23 +7 (495) 662-45-99

For more information please contact our managers


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